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"I'm not crazy! I'm in Menopause!

Writer's picture: Doc MacDoc Mac

Updated: Feb 13

"It's all about the hormones!"
"It's all about the hormones!"

HOPE for Menopause

Hormone, Weight, Health & Mind Optimization

And in the beginning…

Welcome. I am Doc Mac, and with my wife, Vicky Mac, I will share with you the tools we have found to be most effective in eliminating the menacing symptoms of being paused.

Over the forty-five years of my health optimization practice, we have experimented with hundreds of different tools and helped over ten thousand patients and clients.

These tools enabled us to open seven Northern California hormone and weight-optimization medical clinics.

Since retiring ten years ago, we have traveled across the country in our small, fancy RV. As we travel, I coach women and men, write books, and publish a popular

newsletter geared toward teaching you what we have learned over these four and a half decades to make our "Third Act" of life as we dreamed it would be.

"We promise that these tools will make your "Third Act," which happens to be your last act, better than you could ever imagine."

Most of you believed your "Third Act" would be the stage of life in which you would become the person you desired: balanced, slender, healthy, and calm.

With age and our extra time (and don't forget about wisdom), we all thought we would feel fabulous, look fantastic, and be healthy and happy.


Yup! "But" is what happened to many of us as we entered our "Pauses."

"Women enter the Third Act with a sudden fall into the menopause abyss. Men stroll into the andropause abyss."

I have dedicated my "Third Act" of life to becoming a rope-maker. The rope I have made and continue to improve on will be thrown into the hormone abyss caused by our "PAUSES" (menopause and andropause) so we can optimize our hormones and be who we desire to be at this stage of our lives.

For now, I will set aside the rope I made for myself and other men. I developed this blog post for women so they can climb themselves out of the Menopause Abyss.

Don't worry. If you are worried about your husband's PAUSE—and you should be—we have another blog post just for him.

So…let me start at the beginning. I opened a wellness clinic in the 1980s. It was one of the busiest wellness centers in America. In our first six months of practice, I treated over 500 patients weekly. I discovered that people were sick of sick care and wanted to optimize their health naturally.

Our wellness patients came to our clinic wanting to avoid disease. (We also had a pain relief clinic.) They had either seen their parents or another family member battle a disease, and they wanted to prevent the heartache their loved ones would experience if the same thing happened to them.

This is the universal question they would ask me.

"Doc, what can I do to prevent myself from having (cancer, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's) like my dad, mom, aunt, or uncle?"

I had one universal answer.

"Let food be thy medicine."

Even before receiving my doctorate, I dreamed of treating people before they became diseased.

I believed our sustenance was the primary cause of chronic diseases, but doctors were taught that most diseases had a source cause of genetics. The truth was that consuming God-made sustenance keeps our genes close to how God made them, and human-made "so-called" sustenance damaged them.

Unfortunately, I had learned very little about Nutritional Medicine while in college. I had to become a student of nutrition after receiving my doctorate. I went on a quest and learned from the best Nutritional Medicine practitioners I could find.

It didn't take me long to discover that having a wellness practice was a misnomer. Wellness turned out to be a weight loss practice.

So…for twenty-five years, I studied and practiced wellness under the tutelage of Nutritional Medicine. Then, my wife went into menopause.

"In my first thirty years of practicing wellness, I learned one thing for sure: it was nearly impossible for a menopausal woman to lose weight."

The reason had to do with their hormones being turned upside down. We warned our menopausal patients who wanted to enter our weight loss program that they would most likely fail. Talk about a practice killer. 

My wife became one of those patients fifteen years ago. This was more frustrating for her than most because she worked as a nurse and nutritionist in our clinic. 

"Doctors and nurses are taught zilch about how to treat the adverse symptoms of menopause."

My wife and I both knew that her hormones were to blame, "but" there's that word again: we didn't know where to begin.

My wife went to her doctor, who told her she would have to live with it.

"It was just part of being a woman."

That ticked my wife off.

She wanted a second opinion, so she visited one of her friend’s physicians. This doctor told her to embrace her transformation. 

What transformation? Looking and feeling “old”!

She was even more ticked, and both of these doctors were females. 

She then asked me for a referral. I referred her to one of my colleagues. This male doctor offered to prescribe her psych drugs. That ticked her off even more so. She told that doctor,

"I'm in menopause; I'm not crazy."

That is when she came to me and asked for my help. Imagine that! She had to go to her husband and talk about being hormonal.

My wife is the most incredible person I have ever met. Seeing her not herself was excruciating. Out of the love I had for her, I dove deep into researching menopause and hormone therapy.

We eventually discovered that healthcare practitioners attended the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine to learn about hormones and hormone therapy. We took their classes, and I ultimately passed their test to become board-certified in Anti-Aging Medicine.

I then combined what I had learned about hormone optimization from the A4M with what I had learned in my 25 years of helping my patients optimize their weight. Voilà!

It didn't take me too long to discover something that I had never thought about:

"We are nothing more than a reflection of our hormones."

Let me explain what I mean by that. Vicky and I once brought in a teenager to live in our home. He was a slim young man who could eat an entire pizza and lose a pound. He couldn't have weighed more than a buck-forty, sopping wet, and was six feet tall. We've all met someone like that. Heck, you might have been like that at one time. 

If I watch a pizza commercial, I gain a pound.

The reason? 


Hormones govern how we look, feel, and are healthy, as well as how negatively or positively we think.

"Optimize your hormones, and your weight, health, and mind will follow."

Once I combined my hormone and nutritional knowledge, we started treating menopausal women in our clinics. I have since limited my practice to exclusively helping menopausal women and andropausal men climb out of the hormone abyss. We have assisted thousands of women and men to look and feel fabulous while in their "Pauses."

As I mentioned, I am a rope-maker. We have discovered that four strands of health optimization tools must be intertwined to help you be the best you can be in your third act of life.

I call this rope The HOPE Rope. HOPE is an acronym for

  • Hormone Optimization,

  • Optimal Nutrition,

  • Purification Protocols,

  • Enlightenment Coaching.

With our system, there is HOPE For Menopause.

In my next blog post, I will delve deeper into the Hormone Optimization Strand of HOPE.

Please leave a comment below and rate this blog above; it will fuel my desire to teach week after week.






Visiting the Sierra
Visiting the Sierra

Vicky and I had a weekend of friends. On Thursday, we went to a dinner sponsored by our RV Club. Then, we drove into the Sierra and had lunch with a friend. That is our family cabin in the background. He used to play for the Dallas Cowboys. We ate an incredible Italian meal with our next-door neighbors on Saturday night. Then, we had several friends and family over to watch the Super Bowl. It was a fabulous weekend.

Being social is one of the best tools for optimizing hormones, weight, health, and mind."

And remember...


"Because when your hormones are optimized, your weight, health, and mind will follow."

🏈 Doc

FDA Disclaimer:

The information provided in The Pause newsletter is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The statements made about hormones, weight loss, or any other health-related topics have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Always consult with your healthcare provider before making any decisions related to your health, including starting or stopping medications, supplements, or lifestyle changes.


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Feb 12
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

This is an incredible article so true I remember my gyno told me he can put me on meds to lesson menopause. The truth is he threw me into instant menopause with an ablation due to anemia. I had an oblation at 44 who know years later I found a good functional medicine doctor that told me why I was having panic attacks at 44 the worst ever it was due to the oblation. This article was so on point.


©2025 by Doc Mac Coaching

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