"The First Phase of Menopause is a condition called Estrogen Dominance. This condition occurs because estrogen levels have decreased to a point where a luteinizing hormone surge does not occur. When this happens, ovulation does not occur. Once you stop ovulating, ovarian progesterone and testosterone production cease; therefore, you lose the hormones that govern peacefulness, fat-burning, sleep, and sex drive."
As mentioned in the last post, estradiol loses its dancing partner when ovarian progesterone production ceases. A chasm develops between progesterone and estradiol, allowing estradiol to become the dominant hormone.
We can measure the size of the chasm between these two hormones with a unique salivary assay that compares the amount of Progesterone and Estradiol in our blood, called the Progesterone to Estradiol Ratio.
According to science, the ideal ratio between Progesterone and Estradiol is 200 moles of progesterone to 1 mole of estradiol or simply a 200-to-1 ratio. However, I believe this ratio is incorrect. My clients who become slender and youthful have PE Ratios more in the 400-to-1 range. In my opinion, 200-to-1 is the minimum ratio we seek.
Once the ratio drops to 100 moles of progesterone to 1 mole of estradiol, you are diagnosed with Estrogen Dominance.
To simplify biochemistry, think of moles as molecules.
Here are the symptoms associated with different Progesterone/Estradiol ratios.
100/1 ratio: (100 molecules of progesterone to 1 molecule of estradiol within your blood.)
Rapid Weight Gain (The Menopause 30)
Weight Loss Resistance (The inability to lose weight)
75/1 Ratio
Sleeping Disorders (Sleeping less than 6 hours)
More Weight Gain (The Menopause 50)
50/1 Ratio
Hormonal Induced Anxiety (Worrying More than usual)
Hormonal Induced Depression (Bad Days where you feel low and emotional)
25/1 Ratio
Loss of Interest in being Intimate (no way, uh uh)
Loss of Motivation to be Social (Let’s stay home.)
I often hear this statement from hormonally challenged women with P/E Ratios lower than 25 to 1.
"Doc, I am only happy when I have four walls, a locked door, and I am left frigging alone."
When we added hormone optimization to our wellness practice fifteen years ago, we believed the best way to test our patients' hormones was through a serum/blood test. We have since found that to be untrue. The best test to determine ovarian hormonal balance is a salivary assay. Serum tests measure your current hormone levels, which can be misleading.
Let me give you an example of how serum tests may be inferior. Imagine that while you are on your way to get your lab test, a man in a pick-up cuts you off and nearly runs you off the road; as your finger exits the window, your hormones go into fight or flight.
Your serum test will measure your hormones while in flight or flight, which will look much different than “normal.” The salivary assay tests give you a better idea of where your hormone levels were over hours instead of currently.
"Most doctors refuse to test your progesterone to estradiol ratio because they don’t know how and may have never heard of such a test."
After testing thousands of women, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that the progesterone to estradiol test is the most crucial hormone test a woman can take, even before menopause.
Salivary P/E Ratio Assays are inexpensive and convenient. However, your insurance company will not pay for one because it is an anti-aging test. Please don't waste your time trying; HRA accounts usually do.
"Every woman on the planet should know her P/E Ratio!"
You can purchase the test kit online. The lab company will send you a package with a test tube. You spit into the tube and mail it in a special envelope they supply.
Please thoroughly read the instructions. There are also restrictions in a couple of states for no known reason. The test results come via email.
To remind you why I prefer a salivary assay over a serum test:
"When you use saliva, the test measures where your hormones were over six to twelve hours. Serum tests measure where your hormones are at at the current time."
Below are two of the kits my clients purchase and use the most.
If your man is becoming a “grumpy old man” with a “beer belly,” have him test his testosterone level. Below is a link to test testosterone.
Over the last fifteen years of optimizing men's hormones, I have found that optimizing their gender's hormones is much easier than a woman's hormones. If a man raises his testosterone levels, he's good. Women, on the other hand, have hormones that are all about balance.
Every woman should know what her progesterone to estradiol ratio is because the lower her P/E ratio is, the more phase one menopausal symptoms she will have and the more menacing menopause and her third act of life will be.
In my next blog post, I will delve deeper into the Hormone Optimization Strand of HOPE.
Please comment below and rate this blog above; it will fuel my desire to teach you how to optimize your hormones and weight.

Vicky and I took our granddaughter out for breakfast for Valentine's Day. We love being grandparents.
“Spending time with your loved one makes it a special day."
And remember...
"Because when your hormones are optimized, your weight, health, and mind will follow."
💘 Doc
FDA Disclaimer:
The information provided in The Pause newsletter is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The statements made about hormones, weight loss, or any other health-related topics have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Always consult with your healthcare provider before making any decisions related to your health, including starting or stopping medications, supplements, or lifestyle changes.